Thursday, February 14, 2013

Judicial Branch

The judicial branch is the part of the federal government that interprets the laws. Sometimes the laws may have different interpretations and with the help of judges the arguments may come to a compromise. This branch is made up of the Supreme Court, the magistrate (local) and municipal (city) courts.

The supreme court of the United States of America

If you look to your left, you are going to see the highest court in the United States. It is the Supreme Court and here cases of high importance take place and come to an agreement.

Unlike the executive and the legislative government, the people that are under this branch of government are elected by the President and the persons are confirmed by the members of the Senate. Luckily for the judges serving in the court, there is not term limit, they can serve until they resign or until their death.

There are many duties that the judicial branch has to do to keep the federal government following nicely. Listed below there are the jobs that this branch has to do.
  • Interpret the state laws
  • Coming to an agreement on federal disputes
  • Give a consequence (punish) violators of the law
  • Has hearings on civil cases.
  • Protect a persons individual rights based on the U.S. Constitution
  • Determine whether the violator is guilty or innocent on the crime accused of
  • Checks the other two branches (executive and legislative braches)
In the supreme court today, there are nine judges. There is; Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, John G. Roberts, Alito, Samuel Anthony, Jr., Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan. Proudly, there is a Hispanic judge there representing our culture. 

The Legislative Branch

Go ahead, press play and watch the video!

What does the legislative branch do?

The set up of the legislative branch or the Congress is established in Article I of the United Sates Constitution. The main function of these house's is to write, debate and pass bills.
In summary of the video, the legislative branch is divided into two parts. The Senate and House of Representatives. These two houses make up the Congress and are in charge of making up all the laws.
The House of Senators consists of 100 members, two for each state. These senators are elected for a six-year-term and are elected by the people. These congressmen represent the state. The House of Senators doesn't take under consideration the state's population. There are the same amount of senators for each state. The senate has some advantages over the House of Representatives, such as: confirming or reject a treaties made by the President in other foreign nations. In addition to this, the Legislative Branch has the power to confirming presidential appointments of different cabinet members, foreign ambassadors and federal judges. Finally, the Senate tries any federal politician accused of any crime.
The House of Representatives currently has 435 members. Each member serves a two-year-term and is also elected by the people of the state. Unlike the Senate, the members are chosen based on the state's population and geographical areas. Each member that the house has represents a specific geographical district within the state. Just like the Senate has some advantages of very the House of Representatives, the house can propose bills to pay taxes to the American citizens. Also, decide whether a public official should be tried of crime.   
A census is done in the United States every 10 years. Based on this, the amount of representatives is chosen for each state. Back in the day, one representative would represent 30,000 people. On the contrary, now every representative represents several thousand people. The states that have only one representative are Alaska, Delaware, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming. On the other hand, the state that has the most number of representatives is California with 53 members.

The Executive Branch

We can relate the executive branch to a totally unrelated topic---football. In every football team there is a "star" player. This player is usually the one that is capable of making all those though catches. The one that can throw the winning ball or throw the ball like a rocket. Whenever the players in his team wins, the fans come to him to praise him for all the good work that they did. On the contrary, if the team he is in looses, all the fans go to him with all the anger possible.

Somewhat the same, the executive branch has its key player that they can almost always count on. It's the President. Whenever, the President does something good, the praise goes directed to him. On the other hand, when his "team" didn't do so great Mr. President becomes the fall guy.

It should be noted that, in a football game not only one player plays, but in collaboration the whole team wins the game. Juts like this game the other players are the secretaries of the different cabinets or departments. 

This are all the key "players" in the executive branch that make
this branch of government function.

What does the executive branch do?

In the executive branch there are 22 "players" and the President in total 23 members. Below you will find the members and a brief summary of what roles these have under the federal government.
  1. President- The President, Barack Obama, is in charge of the entire government and also in charge of the U.S. Armed Forces. In addition to this, he can sign (approve) or veto (disapprove) any laws. The president has the power to designate members of the cabinet and may people in charge of the federal commission.
  2. Vice President- The vice president is the President's backup. If something happen to him and he can't serve as President, the duty would go to the Vice President. In addition to this, he advises the President and is the head of Senate.
  3. Secretary of State- This is the person that manages all the international affairs and this is the person that represents the U.S. of A in foreign diplomatic missions.
  4. Secretary of Treasury- The person under this job has to fix all the deficit of all Americans.
  5. Secretary of Defense- This cabinet decides what action the military will take in wars.
  6. Attorney General- This is the country's top lawyer and makes sure that people are following all the laws.
  7. Secretary of the Interior- Looks at all the natural resources such as fuel, oil and coal. Also, protects the wildlife and fish in the nation.
  8. Secretary of Agriculture-  This cabinet makes sure that all the Americans have enough food and food that is safe to eat.
  9. Secretary of Commerce- Has the job to try to keep the amount of people living in the United States in par and also tries to make the life in the nation better.
  10. Secretary of Labor- This cabinet is to ensure that all Americans have jobs and that they are earning nothing lower that $7.50 per hour.
  11. Secretary of Health and Human Services- Looks over government medical assistance such as Medicaid and Medicare. Also, watches health trends and comes up with solutions to combat diseases.
  12. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development- This job includes that they make sure that every citizen of the United States has an affordable housing to live in.
  13. Secretary of Transportation- This cabinet is in charge of all the ways of traveling such as air, sea or land.
  14. Secretary of Energy- The cabinet has to assure that the nations power doesn't go off or in other words a blackout.
  15. Secretary of Education- His or her duty is to make sure that the education that the children are receiving is great and they are not behind.
  16. Secretary of Veteran Affairs- If any American citizen served as a veteran, this cabinet makes sure that he or she receives the deserved benefits as a veteran.
  17. Secretary of Homeland Security- This cabinet was made in response to the September 11, 2001 attack. This makes sure that our living place is a safe place away from any threats of attack.
  18. Chief of Staff- He or she is known as the President's right hand man and accompanies the President in executive appointments, manages his work and other important tasks as well.
  19. Ambassador of the Environmental Protection Agency- Has the job to make the Americans keep the environment clean.
  20. Director of the Office of Management and Budget- Each cabinet has a determined amount of money. This cabinet makes sure that each cabinet stays inside the money given to them.
  21. U.S. Trade Representative- Represents the nations trade interest I international areas.
  22. Ambassador to the United Nations- The ambassador of the current United nations.
  23. Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers- This cabinet is made up by three economists who tells the President on the American free market.


Just like a tree, the United States federal government is divided into main three branches.
As seen in your right, the first one would be the executive branch. In the executive branch the President is the person that makes all the important decisions.

The next executive branch would be the legislative branch or also known as Congress. This branch is in charge to debate and pass laws.

Last but not least, there is the judicial branch. The judicial branch has all the courts in the nation under its power, and also helps people come to a fine agreement.